Firstcare Medical Plan (Jamaica) Ltd
19 Cargill Ave. | Kingston 10, St. Andrews
Your Contract with Firstcare Medical Plan (Jamaica) Ltd.
Thank you for purchasing the Firstcare Medical Plan. The Firstcare Medical Plan is a product offered by
Firstcare Medical Plan (Jamaica) Ltd, a company registered under the laws of Jamaica, with office
located at 19 Cargill Avenue, Kingston Jamaica, St. Andrews.
Firstcare Medical Plan is an affordable Health and Wellness membership plan that offers members
exclusive health and wellness benefits in Jamaica and or the United States.
Firstcare Medical Plan members have access to general medical practitioners and specialists throughout
Jamaica and Florida, USA.
Firstcare Medical Plan referred to hereafter as, Firstcare, is a primary healthcare plan that provides
members with access to private primary care visits and discounts on other medical services. Firstcare
offers three affordable plans.
• If you choose the Firstcare Jamaica Plan, your benefits include access to free and substantially
reduced cost of general practitioner visits within the Firstcare Jamaica local network, discounts
at specialists, labs, pharmacies, and other medical service providers as shown in our brochure
and website, which will reflect changes from time to time. Additionally, discounts at our local
merchants for non-medical products and services under our Firstcare Rewards Program.
• If you choose the Firstcare USA Plan, your plan offers access only to the benefits at our USA
providers. This includes but is not limited to the discounts at our general practitioners and
specialists in the USA, discounts at our labs, pharmacies, Minute Clinic access and more as noted
in our brochure and on the website under Firstcare USA benefits. Firstcare USA members also
have access to our Firstcare Rewards benefits at our USA based vendors not the local Jamaica
vendors. Also, our Firstcare USA members have access to our Self Pay packages to save 30-60%
on services in the USA subject to an access fee. (See website for more details)
• If you choose the Firstcare Plus Plan, you have access to the benefits of both plans.
• Note that one payer can choose different plans to cover different loved ones under his/her
name which will be noted on the primary members Firstcare card.
Current prices for the Firstcare Plans are noted in the brochure and on the website. The three plan
offerings are as follows:
• Firstcare Jamaica Local
• Firstcare USA
• Firstcare Plus
Note that the rates indicated are in Jamaican dollars and as such are subject to change based on the
Jamaica to US$ exchange rates. Any change will be announced with 30 days’ notice to payers.
Firstcare Medical Plan (Jamaica) Ltd
19 Cargill Ave. | Kingston 10, St. Andrews
Firstcare agrees to:
1. Maintain a network of doctors and medical service providers who are approved to practice in
the country.
2. Provide access to those providers according to the benefits noted in our brochure via a
membership card produced for each payer. (The member card can be digital or physical).
3. Replace lost physical cards at a modest fee.
Firstcare reserves the right to change, add or delete providers and vendors on the plan without prior
written notice to you. Firstcare reserves the right to adjust rates for the afore-mentioned plans with 30
days’ notice, sent digitally via email or text, published in a newspaper, personally by letter or in hard
copy. Also, we may post notice of rate change on our website with 30 days’ notice before the effective
date without sending a notice to you directly if we so choose.
If you remit payment via employer salary deductions, you agree to us sending notice to your employer
for an adjustment to your payment to us with a copy of your signed authorization giving us such leave at
the time that you signed up for the plan without further reference to you. If you pay by any other
means, you agree to adjust your payments to reflect the new rates in order to maintain your plan. Any
plan not paid within 30 days of a rate change is subject to cancellation.
Firstcare reserves the right to cancel a member’s plan if, in its sole discretion, it perceives that
fraudulent activity has taken place with the member’s card and visits, or if we determine, in our sole
discretion, that the plan is being abused.
For Example:
1. Where it is reported that a member is visiting providers frequently and no medical needs are
2. Where a member was caught trying to include other persons who are not registered under their
3. Where membership fees are long past due, and the member has attempted to retrieve
services/benefits from a provider/vendor.
4. Where the member has created a fictious card.
5. These instances do not exhaust our reasons and if proven otherwise the member can be barred
from reentering the plan.
Firstcare takes no responsibility or liability for the actions of network providers. Each provider is a
private contractor and bears responsibility and liability for their own actions.
Firstcare Medical Plan (Jamaica) Ltd
19 Cargill Ave. | Kingston 10, St. Andrews
Member accounts are effective once they are activated in our system. Activation occurs either on the
date of sign up and successful payment via a credit or debit card online or by Firstcare after payment or
a contract is secured.
The payment date for the plan will be set on or about the same date in the next month as the date the
plan was first paid. This way the member is always paid current, and their plan will not be in jeopardy of
becoming inactive.
Latitude is given to corporate accounts to arrange for the first payment as companies may want to make
deductions from members who sign up first and then remit initial payment. In such cases, we reserve
the right to effect cover on the promise of payment from the company and grant access to the network
to members who have signed up. The effective date for group accounts is the 1st of the month after sign
up. Firstcare reserves the right to determine what constitutes a group and the month to make the group
Member fees are due in advance and can be paid monthly preferably via an automatic payment
method. Walk-in cash payments are discouraged, that notwithstanding, members can pay cash for three
or more months in advance. Members can pay quarterly, semi-annually, or annually via their preferred
payment method by simply multiplying the fees by the amount of the month being paid for. Members
can make payments by credit or debit card, bank transfer, check, cash or drafts. Additionally,
membership fees are not grouped, as such each member has a fee which must be paid as per the plan
Firstcare Medical Plan (Jamaica) Limited offers its members a ten day no questions asked refund
policy (10 days). This means each member can get a refund within the first 10 days from signing up,
subject to not having used the plan during that period. After the 10 days, a cancellation can still be
processed however there will be no refund of membership fees paid.
As a member, you agree to make six consecutive monthly payments as a condition of membership in
the plan via whichever payment method you choose. Should you fail to make a payment in the first
six months, after 30 days past a due payment, we will inactivate your membership and you will have
30 days from that date to bring your membership current, failing that, we will charge your card or bill
you for the balance to make up six payments and cancel your membership. Thereafter, should you
wish to reengage with the plan, you would have to sign up anew.
Members are required to show their Firstcare card and photo ID to providers to access care. The
provider will insert the member’s Firstcare card ID number into Firstcare proprietary system to confirm
if the member is active and therefore approved for services or inactive and not eligible for services
under the plan.
Firstcare Medical Plan (Jamaica) Ltd
19 Cargill Ave. | Kingston 10, St. Andrews
Once the provider inserts the member’s ID number, the system will then bring up all persons who are
covered under that card and the type of plan each person has. The member seeking care is required to
show a photo ID to the provider.
The system will generate a number for the member and variations of that number for their added
dependents. This number will be their Firstcare Medical Plan ID number.
Firstcare maintains a Quality Assurance program to measure the level of service and satisfaction being
rendered and realized by operatives in the plan. We randomly call members who have received services
in each period to ask their opinion on the service they received at a provider in the network. You are
encouraged to participate should you be selected. There is no obligation to participate.
You agree to pay membership fees for all persons on your plan as evidenced by your Firstcare
application. For payments that are not honored when presented you will have 30 days to make good
that payment. After 30 days we reserve the right to suspend or cancel your membership and that of all
those on your plan.
For automatic payment method, if you use a credit or debit card, we will charge your card on the
payment due date. Should your payment fail on a try to charge we will make subsequent efforts to
collect that payment within 10 days after the decline. Should the payment fail again, and we maintain
the plan as active, we will charge for the outstanding month or months along with the current month or
any combination thereof in the next month or months until the fees are current.
Should your plan be made in-active for non-payment you will have 60 days to pay up the plan and bring
it current. Otherwise, you will have to write up a new application.
You are responsible to make your best efforts to protect your membership card from being used by
unauthorized persons or being abused by persons on your plan. Unauthorized use or abuse of your plan
is grounds for cancellation of your plan at the sole discretion of Firstcare.
If you or any person on your card has a plan that allows them access to our USA network, you agree to
follow the protocols in place and available on our website about how to access care in the USA. These
protocols can be updated every so often.
Firstcare Medical Plan (Jamaica) Ltd
19 Cargill Ave. | Kingston 10, St. Andrews
In the event that your employer is making your payments where either the company is paying all or part
of your membership fee and/or you are paying all or part of your fee and for any added persons and
subsequently are no longer at that place of employment, you are responsible to secure payment from
your new employer or to contact us to make new payment arrangements.
Any notices that we have to send to you will be sent electronically. We reserve the right to send physical
notices if deemed necessary. Electronic notices will be sent to your email address or phone number on
file. Physical notices will be sent to your address on file.
Firstcare reserves the right not to exercise any right or enforce any penalty noted herein. However, our
forbearance to do so does not in any way diminish our right to act. Our right remains in full force and
unaffected by any inaction we may choose.
a. You agree to carefully review your payment records and promptly advise us of any difference
arising on a reconciliation. In the event you fail to advise us of any differences you agree that the
statement shall be final and conclusively settled in all respects, that our record of your payments
is correct and that Firstcare is totally and irrevocably released from all claims. In any event any
purported differences must be notified by you to us within thirty (30) days of your latest
payment or attempt to receive service. You agree that our records of your payments shall be
conclusive and binding on you, particularly regarding whether a payment by you has been made
and the date of Payment.
b. Any discrepancy arising on reconciliation of the records by either party, resulting in funds being
payable by one of us to the other, will be settled promptly upon notification and verification.
We shall not be liable for any errors made by your banking institution of payment source.
c. We will keep appropriate records relating to automated payments made by you for a period of
one (1) year after the date of Payment.
You warrant that the person(s) signing this Agreement, whether it be you or someone on your behalf
have the authority to bind you to the terms of this Agreement.
Firstcare Medical Plan (Jamaica) Ltd
19 Cargill Ave. | Kingston 10, St. Andrews
You shall treat the information disclosed by us as confidential and in particular shall not use the
information for any unauthorized purpose or disclose such information to any person other than those
who it can be proven have a right or need to know the information.
This Agreement may be terminated by either you or us provided sixty (30) days prior notice in writing is
received by the other party. After Termination, neither you nor anyone on your plan will have access to
Firstcare’s network. The provisions of this Agreement concerning our liability and the reconciliation of
any accounts between us shall continue to apply despite the termination of this Agreement.
You are prohibited from assigning this Agreement or any part thereof to another party without our prior
written consent. We may assign this Agreement to a subsidiary or affiliate of Firstcare Medical Plan
(Jamaica) Ltd. without obtaining your consent. Firstcare reserves the right to amend this Agreement in
any way provided we give you thirty (30) days’ notice in writing of the proposed amendment. If you do
not agree with the proposed amendment, you must provide Firstcare notice of termination of this
Agreement ten (10) days prior to the proposed amendment taking effect. If you do not respond to our
notice prior to the said ten (10) day period, you will be taken to have agreed to same.
We shall personally deliver, electronically transmit or mail any notices to you at the address specified in
your application. You agree that for the purposes of this Agreement you shall have received any notices
sent by mail on the third business day following the mailing date, and that you shall have received any
electronically transmitted notices on the transmission date.
This Agreement shall be governed in all respects by the laws of Jamaica.
The parties hereto irrevocably submit to the courts of Jamaica.